24 research outputs found

    Preferensi Wereng Batang Cokelat Terhadap Varietas Padi Dan Ketahanan Varietas Padi Terhadap Virus Kerdil Hampa

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    Rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) is transmitted by brown planthopper in the persistent manner. This disease in recent years has become a serious problem in Indonesia and some other countries, such as China, Vietnam, Philippines, and Thailand. Disease control is usually conducted by the vector control using insecticides, so often causes an environmental pollution. An alternative control method is using the environmentally friendly of resistant varieties. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of preference of brown planthopper (BPH) to some varieties and rice germplasms, the resistance of several varieties against rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) disease and its effectiveness as an inoculum source of virus (RRSV). A total of 15 varieties of rice were used in preference test of BPH and resistance test to RRSV. The test for resistance varieties to RRSV was conducted by transmission of 2nd instar of BPH for 3 days of acquisition feeding period, 10 days incubation period and 24 hours inoculation period with population density of 3 BPH/plant. Disease index was calculated and used to determine the level of plant resistance. Varieties that showed resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible responses were selected and were used as a source of inoculum to be transmitted on to TN1 variety susceptible check variety to know the effectiveness of varieties as source of virus inoculum. The results showed that of the 15 varieties tested, Situ Bagendit, Utri Merah, Mentik Wangi, Mahsuri, and Inpari 1 each was less favored by BPH to settle and to multiply. Mentik Wangi, Tetep, Utri Merah, and Swarnalata each showed resistant response to RRSV. Transmission test to susceptible variety (TN1) showed that the variety of Situ Bagendit, Inpari 13, Mentik Wangi, and Tetep each has a fairly low effectiveness as a source of inoculum as indicated by the lower percentage of infection and disease index on the transmited test plants

    Evaluasi Virulensi Virus Tungro dari Beberapa Daerah Endemi dan Uji Ketahanan Plasma Nutfah Padi

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of tungro virus virulence from some endemic areas, the suitability of planting resistant varieties, and resistance of rice germplasms. Tungro virus isolates were collected from tungro-endemic areas in North Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi. Tungro virus isolates were then inoculated using green leafhoppers Nephotettix virescens (Distant) to five differential varieties: Tukad Petanu, Bondoyudo, Kalimas, Tukad Balian, and Tukad Unda, and TN1 (as susceptible check). Level of virulence of tungro virus isolates and suitability planting of resistant varieties can be evaluated. Tungro virus isolate which has the highest virulence was used to test of resistant of rice germplasms. Results of tungro virulence test can be distinguished that there are 4 variants of virulence, namely: 073 (Subang, Bulukumba, Bantaeng, andWest Sulawesi isolates), 033 (Simalungun, Temanggung, and Palu), 031 (Kuningan andMagelang), and virulence 013 (Lanrang isolate). Tukad Petanu was still appropriate varieties to be planted in throughout the tungro-endemic areas (North Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Central Sulawesi). Bondoyudo variety still suitables to be planted in the areas of Simalungun, Kuningan, Magelang, Temanggung, Lanrang, and Palu. While Tukad Unda variety still have the suitability of planting for areas Kuningan, Magelang, and Temanggung. Between 100 assesions of germplasm which were tested to high virulence of tungro (073) one resistant assession has been identified (Deli assesion), and as many as 25 assesions showed moderately resistant reaction. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat virulensi virus tungro dari beberapa daerah endemi, kesesuaian tanam varietas tahan, dan ketahanan asesi plasmanutfah padi. Isolat virus tungro dikoleksi dari daerah endemi tungro di Sumut, Jabar, Jateng, Sulsel, Sulbar, dan Sulteng. Isolat-isolat virus tungro tersebut kemudian ditularkan menggunakan wereng hijauNephotettix virescens (Distant) pada 5 varietas diferensial yaitu Tukad Petanu, Bondoyudo, Kalimas, Tukad Balian, dan Tukad Unda, serta TN1 sebagai kontrol rentan. Tingkat virulensi isolat dan kesesuaian tanam varietas tahan kemudian dapat dievaluasi. Isolat tungro dengan virulensi yang paling tinggi selanjutnya digunakan untuk uji ketahanan asesi plasmanutfah padi sebagai bahan tetua tahan. Hasil uji virulensi tungro dapat dibedakan ada 4 varian virulensi, yaitu: 073 (isolat Subang, Bulukumba, Bantaeng, dan Polewali Mandar), 033 (isolat Simalungun, Temanggung, dan Palu), 031 (isolat Kuningan dan Magelang), dan virulensi 013 (isolat Lanrang). Varietas Tukad Petanu masih sesuai untuk ditanam di seluruh daerah endemi tungro (Sumut, Jawa Barat, Jawa tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Barat, dan Palu). Varietas Bondoyudo masih mempunyai kesesuaian tanam di daerah Simalungun, Kuningan, Magelang, Temanggung, Lanrang, dan Palu. Sedangkan Varietas Tukad Unda masih mempunyai kesesuaian tanam untuk daerah Kuningan, Magelang, dan Temanggung. Dari sebanyak 100 asesi plasmanutfah yang diuji ketahanannya terhadap tungro virulensi tinggi (073) telah teridentifikasi satu asesi tahan (Deli), dan sebanyak 25 asesi yang menunjukkan reaksi agak tahan

    Studi Mekanisme Degradasi Fotokatalitik Zat Warna Azo Acid Red 4 Menggunakan Katalis Mikropartikel Tio2

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    Dalam penelitian ini dipelajari mekanisme degradasi fotokatalitik air limbah tekstil simulasi mengandung zat warna azo Acid Red 4 (AR4) menggunakan katalis mikropartikel TiO2.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tahapan degradasi fotokatalitik berupa pemutusan struktur molekul zat warna AR4. Mekanisme degradasi dianalisis melalui pengukuran terhadap TOC, pH dan spektra absorbansi warna seiring interval waktu proses fotokatalitik, dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi produk degradasi menggunakan GC-MS. Setelah irradiasi UV selama 5 jam terjadi penurunan TOC hingga 90%, mengindikasikan terjadinya proses mineralisasi terhadap AR4. Penurunan puncak spektra absorbansi pada rentang panjang gelombang 300-320 nm dan 490-510 nm menunjukkan adanya pemutusan struktur molekul AR4 menjadi senyawa yang lebih sederhana, terdiri dari pemutusan kromofor warna (ikatan azo) dan pemutusan cincin-cincin senyawa amina aromatik (cincin benzen dan naftalen). Lebih lanjut, identifikasi produk degradasi dengan GC-MS seiring interval waktu proses fotokatalitik menunjukkan bahwa proses degradasi diawali dengan tahapan pemutusan molekul zat warna menjadi senyawa antara dilanjutkan dengan tahapan destruksi senyawa antara menjadi asam-asam organik sederhana yang mendekati tingkat mineralisasi

    Pengaruh Debit Influen Terhadap Karakteristik Hidrodinamika Kolam Fakultatif Bojongsoang: Tanpa Pengaruh Angin

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    The Effects of Influent Debit on Hydrodynamic Characteristic of Bojongsoang Facultative Pond: Without WindEffects. The performance of facultative pond in Bojongsoang WWTP have reported to be unstable. One of the cause ofthe unstable performance is the hydrodynamic characteristics that not met the criterion. The improper hydrodynamiccharacteristics are included the existence of dead-zone, the short-circuiting, and the turbulence due to eddy current. Thestudy was to analyze the effect of the influent debit variation on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the pond usingmathematical model. The two-dimensional hydrodynamic model was built from two hydrodynamic equations which arecontinuity and momentum equations. The equations were solved by finite-difference numerical method of semi-implicit(Crank-Nicolson). From the simulation results, the Froude number of the water flow was analyzed. Beside that, theeffective residence time and the effective area were calculated. All of them were done to analyzed the existence of thedead-zone in the pond. The simulation results show that the dead-zone was exist in the center of the pond. when theinfluent debit was larger, the effective residence time and the effective area become larger. The distribution of theFroude number value shows that the area with the value of 10-10 become reduced in the larger influent debit. Theexistence of the dead-zone was reduced since the influent debit become larger. It can be said that the larger influentdebit can improve the hydrodynamic characteristics of the pond


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    Software under Test (SUT) is an essential aspect of software testing research activities. Preparation of the SUT is not simple. It requires accuracy, completeness and will affect the quality of the research conducted. Currently, there are several ways to utilize an SUT in software testing research: building an own SUT, utilization of open source to build an SUT, and SUT from the repository utilization. This article discusses the results of SUT identification in many software testing studies. The research is conducted in a systematic literature review (SLR) using the Kitchenham protocol. The review process is carried out on 86 articles published in 2017-2020. The article was selected after two selection stages: the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria and the quality assessment. The study results show that the trend of using open source is very dominant. Some researchers use open source as the basis for developing SUT, while others use SUT from a repository that provides ready-to-use SUT. In this context, utilization of the SUT from the software infrastructure repository (SIR) and Defect4J are the most significant choice of researchers

    Pencemaran Kadmium Di Sedimen Waduk Saguling Provinsi Jawa Barat (Cadmium Pollution in Saguling Dam Sediment West Java Province)

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    Sungai Citarum Hulu merupakan sumber air utama Waduk Saguling. Kualitas air sungai ini telah mengalami penurunan bahkan terpantau beberapa logam berat terkandung dalam air Sungai Citarum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pencemaran Cd di sedimen Waduk Saguling pada dua musim yang berbeda. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di 10 titik di Waduk Saguling. Penelitian mengkaji perbedaan konsentrasi Cd pada Bulan Juli 2015 mewakili musim kemarau dan Bulan November 2015 mewakili musim hujan. Sedimen yang diperiksa merupakan sedimen permukaan pada kedalaman 0-10 cm pada dasar waduk. Konsentrasi Cd di sedimen dianalisis menggunakan ICP-MS. Tingkat pencemaran sedimen akibat Cd dinilai dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu: faktor contaminasi/contamination factor, CF dan indeks pencemaran logam/Metal Pollution Index, MPI. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian konsentrasi Cd dalam air selama satu dekade mulai tahun 2008-2014 cenderung mengalami peningkatan, dengan konsentrasi berkisar antara 0 mg/L-0,14 mg/L. Konsentrasi rata-rata Cd di sedimen Waduk Saguling pada Bulan Juli 2015 mewakili musim kemarau sebesar 13,54 mg/kg, sedangkan pada Bulan November 2015 mewakili musim hujan sebesar 21,08 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cd di sedimen Waduk Saguling tidak memenuhi baku mutu kualitas sedimen berdasarkan baku mutu yang berlaku di Australian dan New Zaeland mengingat Indonesia belum memiliki baku mutu kualitas sedimen yaitu sebesar 1,5 mg/kg. Hasil penilaian kualitas sedimen dengan menggunakan metode CF di semua titik penelitian di Waduk Saguling termasuk kategori terkontaminasi sangat tinggi sedangkan berdasarkan hasil penilaian dengan MPI kualitas sedimen Waduk Saguling termasuk kategori tercemar oleh logam berat Cd. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi pengelolaan Waduk Saguling mengenai kondisi pencemaran logam berat yang telah terjadi di waduk tersebut

    Krayan Heart of Borneo: Indonesian Potential Tourism Destination Enjoyed by Malaysia

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    District Krayan is part of Nunukan regency in North Borneo. Krayan has the potential of a tourist destination to feature natural areas of Nunukan. However, due to the ease of access to and from Malaysia, as a result the area is more dependent on Malaysia than Indonesia. To identify the potential of tourism (attractions, accessibility, and amenity) and tourist development in the District Krayan, Nunukan, North Kalimantan, Indonesia. Primary data is taken from interviews and field observations. While secondary data taken from various documents. The analysis of data using qualitative descriptive exploratory Ansoff Model or Product-Market Growth Matrix. The Research location is Krayan districts of Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan Province. Krayan, pressured by Malaysia, is ignored by Indonesia. Using Ansoff Model, other than through tourism product development and market development, the importance is implementing the diversification strategy against a variety of interesting potential tourism development that can be used to increase the attractiveness, for example, the location of salt mine on the mountain, Krayan Border, Adan Rice, and other natural potential. The development of tourism is not maximized due to the lack of adequate infrastructure, including the availability of amenities such as hotels and restaurants. As for human resources, with unique characteristics they have huge potential to be developed. Evidenced by the emergence of local traditional council concerning tourism. Unfortunately, Krayan is promoted as Malaysia’s tourist destination, however it is not impossible for Indonesia to take more care of the potential tourist attraction in the borders.   Keywords: Ansoff model, Diversification, Krayan, Tourism potentia

    Adsorpsi Zat Warna Tekstil Reactive Red 141 Pada Tanah Liat Lokal Alami

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    Dalam studi ini dipelajari kemampuan adsorpsi tanah liat lokal alami untuk menyisihkan warna pada larutan mengandung zat warna tekstil Reactive Red 141 (RR 141). Tanah liat lokal alami yang diteliti sebagai alternatif adsorben yang murah dalam studi ini berasal dari daerah Arcamanik, Citatah dan Dago (Bandung, Indonesia). Aspek yang dipelajari meliputi pengaruh dosis adsorben, waktu kontak dan konsentrasi awal larutan zat warna. Mekanisme proses adsorpsi dievaluasi menggunakan model isoterm, kinetika dan parameter termodinamika. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan efisiensi penyisihan warna dan penurunan kapasitas adsorpsi tanah liat terjadi pada dosis adsorben lebih tinggi dan konsentrasi awal zat warna lebih rendah. Dosis adsorben optimum untuk tanah liat Arcamanik, Dago dan Citatah dicapai pada dosis masing-masing sebesar 10 g/L; 10 g/L; dan 8 g/L, dengan penyisihan zat warna berturut-turut sebesar 65,9%; 65,9%; dan 76,6%. Waktu kesetimbangan adsorpsi RR 141 pada tanah liat Arcamanik dan Citatah dicapai pada 60 menit sedangkan pada tanah liat Dago tercapai pada 120 menit. Kinetika adsorpsi RR 141 pada seluruh tanah liat lokal yang diteliti sesuai dengan model pseudo second order. Data kesetimbangan adsorpsi RR 141 pada tanah liat Arcamanik paling baik digambarkan oleh model isoterm Freundlich sedangkan untuk tanah liat Citatah dan Dago paling baik digambarkan oleh model isoterm Langmuir. Nilai Perubahan energi bebas pada tanah liat Arcamanik, Citatah dan Dago masing-masing sebesar -4,794; -7,048 dan -4,234 kJ/mol